Mmv Khenpo Kunga Dakpa en Ineke Smits
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In Jaartraining 1 van de studierichting Boeddhistische Studie en Beoefening worden de Vier Edele Waarheden bestudeerd:
• De Waarheid van het lijden,
• De Waarheid van de oorzaak van lijden,
• De Waarheid van het einde aan lijden en
• De Waarheid van het pad dat leidt naar het einde aan lijden.
In het kader van de Waarheid van de oorzaak van lijden maken we in de onderhavige les kennis met een onderdeel van het boeddhistische “Levenswiel”: De Zes Bestaansrijken. Ze gaan over de ontwikkeling van de geest in successieve levens. En ze zijn ook een projectie, een verbeelding van de belangrijkste emotionele reactiepatronen.
In de les maken we een begin met leren we hoe we de bestaansrijken kunnen herkennen in onze eigen emotionele responsen gekoppeld aan een emotioneel patroon.
Belangstellenden zijn welkom om aan te sluiten.
Voertaal: Engels
Maandag 18 maart 19.00 – 20.30 uur
De open les kun je live in onze meditatieruimte in Amsterdam bijwonen.
De toegang is gratis. Graag wel even aanmelden via de knop hieronder.
Overzicht van het hele programma met Khenpo Kunga Dakpa
Born in 1979, Khenpo Kunga Dakpa began his academic journey at Ngagyur Nyingma College, Mindrolling Monastic University in Northern India at the age of 19. Over nine years, he immersed himself in rigorous study, serving as an assistant lecturer for three years and later as a senior lecturer, assistant editor, secretary, and vice president. Conferred with the title of Khenpo in February 2018, his dedication stems from a genuine passion for teachings, with a focus on teaching about mental realities. His particular ardor lies in translating Tibetan-to-English Buddhist texts, aiming to bring the timeless wisdom of Dharma to a broader audience.

Ineke Smits was trained as a cultural anthropologist. She has worked for almost 30 years with and for refugees, as a coach and later as consultant and trainer for the Dutch Council for Refugees. She has been involved with Nyingma Centrum Nederland since 1995 and has lived and worked at the center in Amsterdam since 2011. There she is co-dean, teaches Skillful Means, coordinates Boeddhisme Online and supervises the ceremonies.
Walk-in class Wheel of Life – the Six Realms
In yeartraining 1 of the studyfield Buddhist Study and Practice, we are studying the Four Noble Truths:
- The Truth of Suffering,
- The Truth of the Cause of Suffering,
- The Truth of the End of Suffering and
- The Truth of the Path That Leads to the End of Suffering.
In the context of the Truth of the Cause of Suffering, in the present lesson we will be introduced to a section of the Buddhist “Wheel of Life”: The Six Realms of Existence. They are about the development of the mind in successive lives. And they are also a projection, a representation of the main emotional reaction patterns.
In this class we will make a start with learning how to recognize the realms of existence in our own emotional responses linked to an emotional pattern.
Interested people are welcome to join.
Language: English
Monday, March 18, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
You can attend the walk-in class live in our meditation room in Amsterdam.
Entrance is free. Please register via the button below.