Gesture of Great Love – Study and Practice Program | Online | Start Oct 5 & 7

Module 1 – Cultivating Treasures for Peace

The Gesture of Great Love Study and Practie Program is a joint venture of Odiyan Programs and Nyingma Centrum Nederland. This English spoken program is developed by Odiyan Programs.

It is based on Tarthang Tulku’s most recent book Gesture of Great Love. This weekly program is a follow up on the retreat Treasures for Understanding Experience in Europe in 2023, and the retreat Treasures of Peace 2024 taught by Helena Gold in the US and Brasil.

The book and program Gesture of Great Love offer a new way of understanding experience through three unique approaches and practices for exploring:

  • the root cause of suffering
  • the challenges of mind manifestations, and
  • time’s dynamic dimensions.

An invitation to transcend suffering now!

Both book and program are characterized by a fresh and surprisingly direct tone that invites us to transcend suffering – not some time later but starting now – as we are, where we are and realizing that ‘the Great Love at the heart of being is already here!

Everyone can shine and share, discover new knowledge and lead a meaningful life. Everyone includes you!

Gesture of Great Love p x

Gesture of Great Love – Study and Practice Program

Module 1 – Cultivating Treasures for Peace – 8 classes

Based on the introduction and the first three chapters of the book, module 1 presents three treasures to cultivate and enrich our experience of peace and freedom: Love, Compassion and Wisdom.


Love is our birthright! Love is already within us, at the heart of our being – an infinite source of transformative warmth and care.


Compassion is the bridge to peace! The natural expression of a heart of compassion is revealed when giving is completely free, when the distinction between our suffering and the suffering of others is dissolved in a communion of love, appreciation and peace.


Wisdom is the antidote, not to suffering, but to ignorance, which is the root of suffering.

You will explore these treasures through meditation, contemplation, and active inquiry practices. You will also explore ways to bring their benefits into your daily life.

Who can attend

Registration is open to all. No prior experience is needed, only a keen and sincere interest in unraveling the secrets of your own day-to-day experience. Both classes are in English, courses in Portuguese and German are being prepared and will be announced shortly.

Dates and registration

October 5 – November 23 Saturdays 9.00-10.30 am PST
Odiyan Programs Online – Instructor Maria Helena Kubrusly
Cost: US$ 195 – Payment information on the enrolment form

October 7 – December 2 Mondays 7-8.30 pm CEST
Nyingma Centrum Nederland – Elske van de Hulst
Cost € 185,-


Maria Helena Kubrusly is a founding member of the Nyingma center in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

An Odiyan resident since 1999, Maria Helena works regularly with Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche on administrative and community matters. Maria Helena has offered retreats and courses in the US, Brazil, and Europe, online and in person. She holds a masters degree in Applied Linguistics from Lancaster University, UK.

Elske van de Hulst is co-dean and senior instructor at Nyingma Centrum Nederland in Amsterdam.

Between 1969 and 1995, she worked in the theatre as an actress, director and author. She taught at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and for many years was a member of the Dutch Arts Council. In 1998 she started studying the theatre of the mind, guided by Tarthang Tulku’s books, and has not stopped since.

Elske teaches Meditation, Knowledge of Freedom, Revelations of Mind, Dimensions of Mind, Caring and Lotus Trilogy teachings in Amsterdam and elsewhere.

Elske van de Hulst co-dean and senior instructor at Nyingma Centrum Nederland

Looking ahead to 2025

Starting in January 2025, Gesture of Great Love modules 2-5 will cover the remaining chapters in the book.

The program will conclude with a joint weekend retreat for participants of both courses.

The dates of this 2025 sequel program will be announced.

GGL Program Overview

Module 1 – Cultivating Treasures for Peace – Introduction and chapters 1 – 3
Module 2 – Seeing Mind with Wise Eyes – chapters 4 – 7
Module 3 – Offering Hugs and Kisses – chapters 8 – 9
Module 4 – The immediacy of the instant – chapters 10 – 12
Module 5 – Embracing the Silent Field of Being – Epilogue

A joint Closure Retreat.