Bridges of Goodness Program-overview (Eng) | May 2025

Navigating transitions in our lives with insights from buddhist wisdom

Bridges of Goodness Europe II
With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa from Sarnath International Nyingma Institute

It is the mission of the Sarnath International Nyingma Instute (SINI) in India to create ‘Bridges of Goodness’ connections between East and West, between tradition and modern life. During the month of May 2025 Tibetan Lama Khenpo Kunga Dakpa will be visiting the Nyingma Centers in Cologne and Amsterdam for the second European Bridges of Goodness program. Khenpo-la will lead classes, workshops and retreats will meet with students, staff and sangha.

Khenpo Kunga Dakpa followed the English for Dharma purposes program at SINI. So he will teach in English, with translation into Dutch when necessary. We also rejoice in the visit of Tsering Gellek, Tarthang Tulku’s youngest daughter and director of the Sarnath International Nyingma Institute. Renate Marx, SINI program director will be accompanying the Khenpo to Europe. Welcome back, Khenpo Kunga Dakpa, Tsering Gellek and Renate Marx!

Navigating changes and challenges

The Bridges of Goodness program is rooted in the Dharma and offers perspectives on life’s constant changes and challenges. On our journey through life, changes are woven into our daily experiences. We often struggle with challenging transitions. The degree to which we struggle with change reflects the strength of our expectations associated with these changes. Informed by the wisdom teachings of the Buddha, the Bridges of Goodness Progam addresses our contemporary struggles in various illuminating ways.

Below is an overview of the Bridges of Goodness program in Amsterdam. Walk-in classes, chants and meetings are free for everyone. Admission fees apply for the month-long Meditation Intensive, the retreats and two workshops. If you treat yourself to a passe-partout you will receive a code that gives free acces to all programs.

If you are currently enrolled as a student or volunteer at Nyingma Centrum Nederland, you will receive a 15% discount on all entrance. Also some partial scholarships are available on request.

Bridges of Goodness Program Passepartout

Admission to all program activities of Bridges of Goodness in Amsterdam
You will receive a code to register for all Bridges of Goodness events for free.

Costs Program Passepartout € 450
(15% discount for Nyingma students and volunteers)

Born in 1979, Khenpo Kunga Dakpa began his academic journey at Ngagyur Nyingma College, Mindrolling Monastic University in Northern India at the age of 19. Over nine years, he immersed himself in rigorous study, serving as an assistant lecturer for three years and later as a senior lecturer, assistant editor, secretary, and vice president. Conferred with the title of Khenpo in February 2018, his dedication stems from a genuine passion for teachings, with a focus on teaching about mental realities. His particular ardor lies in translating Tibetan-to-English Buddhist texts, aiming to bring the timeless wisdom of Dharma to a broader audience.

Bridges of Goodness Program Overview

Amsterdam Opening Meeting live/online

Monday May 5 16.30 – 17.30 hrs CET Live/online
Welcome to Khenpo Kunga Dakpa. Tsering Gellek and Renate Marx. Introduction to the second edition of Bridges of Goodness Europe and special talk of Khenpo Kunga Dakpa and Tsering Gellek on Inner Freedom.
Followed by sangha meal 18.00-19.00 CEST live
Free, donations welcome

More info and registration

One Month Meditation Intensive – Meditation for Daily Life | live & online
Led by Khenpo Kunga Dakpa

May 6 – May 30 Mon-Fri daily 7am-8am CET
Q &A every Friday 8.30 – 9.30 am CEST
Cost €155 (discount for Nyingma students and volunteers: 15%)

More info and registration

Workshop Stages of Meditation: how (not) to measure progress | Live & online
Led by Khenpo Kunga Dakpa

Wednesday May 7 10.00-13.00 hrs CEST
Cost €35 (discount for Nyingma students and volunteers: 15%)

More info and registration

Walk-in Class Tibetan Language and Literature | Live
Text: The joyful entrance of the path of liberation, the way of practicing the six paramitas

With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa, Guda van der Lee, Marjolein Peters, Corine Tempel

Friday May 9, 14.30-16.00 hrs CEST

Open to all
Admission: Free

More info and registration

Weekend Retreat The Four Foundations of Mindfulness | live & online

With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa

Friday May 9, 19.00 hrs – Sunday May 11, 16.00 hrs CEST
Includes all vegetarian meals and lodging (limited availability)
Costs: € 225, (discount for Nyingma students and volunteers: 15%)

More info and registration

Walk-in Class Buddhist Study and Practice II | Live
The ‘Three Marks of Existence’ and our ‘mistakes’ about our existence

With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa, Ans Vos and Ineke Smits

Monday May 12 19.00-20.15 hrs CEST
Open to all
Admission: Free

More info and registration

Workshop Legend of the Great Stupa | Live & Online

With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa

Wednesday May 14 mei 10.00 – 13.00 uur CEST
Cost €35 (discount for Nyingma students and volunteers: 15%)

More info and registration

Walk-in Class Buddhist Study and Practice IV | Live
The Four Immeasurables

With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa and Ans Vos

Thursday May 15 19.00-20.30 hrs CEST

Open to all
Admission: Free

More info and registration

Walk-in Class Tibetan Language Translation Class | Live
Text: The 37 practices of Bodhisattvas

With Khenpo Kunga Dakpa, Guda van der Lee, Marjolein Peters, Corine Tempel

Friday May 16, 14.30-16.00 hrs CEST

Open to all
Admission: Free

More info and registration

Weekend Retreat The Path of a Bodhisattva | Live & online

with Khenpo Kunga Dakpa

Friday May 16, 19.00 hrs – Sunday May 18, 16.00 hrs CEST
Includes all vegetarian meals and lodging (limited availability)
Costs: € 225, (discount for Nyingma students and volunteers: 15%)

More info and registration

What do you mean by ‘goodness’ in Bridges of Goodness’?
At SINI, we hope to find innovative ways to engage in supporting the heart of the Dharma, transcending cultural differences–to generate the altruistic wish to benefit all beings. This, we believe, will allow us to truly build bridges of goodness that not only unite us geographically and culturally, but also bridge the gap between what is “traditional” and what is “modern.”

From the SINI website