Arising Freely in Awareness

Annual Time Space Knowledge Retreat Europe with Jack Petranker

Based on the book Knowledge of Time and Space by Tarthang Tulku

In searching for ways to speak to the West after leaving India and Tibet, Tarthang Tulku began with an inquiry into the interplay of time, space, and knowledge. In this retreat, we follow out that inquiry, exploring three short chapters from the book Knowledge of Time and Space, an illuminating, but little-studied, celebration of our human being.

The retreat is held in the beautiful Neu Plaue Retreat Center in Germany. It is in person only.

This retreat is a co-production of Nyingma Centrum Nederland, Neu Plaue Retreat Center and Center for Creative Inquiry, Berkeley, California.

Arising Freely in Awareness

We place the self and present experience at the center of what is real. Could there be another way of knowing and being that returns time to the center, that touches the body of time directly? Could there be a way for fuller awareness to know time anew?
Tarthang Tulku, Knowledge of Time and Space

The body of time is the truth of our lives, yet when we look closely, we realize that time is deeply mysterious. Not understanding time, means not understanding who we are and what we could become.

In the ‘feel’ of open space . . . the mind can enjoy more beauty, accepting
a standing invitation to ‘enter’ a different realm in which there is nothing
for the mind to do. Within the ‘feel’, the display of personality becomes
the play of freely manifesting patterns.

Space is the realm of appearance, where beauty manifests and meaning takes form. When we turn into space into the empty container for what exists, we turn our back on our own power and joy.

Within the realm of symbols and meanings, the fundamental symbol is the self . . . Tied to the projects and projections of the self, the world appears fully as world: an intricate structure too subtle to be fully apprehended . . . In inescapable intimacy, self and world take form together, shaping a way of being and giving content to what is.


Jack Petranker

Jack Petranker is Director of Mangalam Research Center, and former Dean of the Tibetan Nyingma Institute in Berkeley. A direct student of Tarthang Tulku since 1980, Jack holds degrees from Stanford, Yale, and University of California, Berkeley. He is author of When It Rains, Does Space Get Wet? and the editor of many books in the TSK series.

Practical information

Time: Tuesday, September 16 – Sunday, September 21, 2025

Place: Neu Plaue Retreat Center, Germany

Language: The retreat will be conducted in English.


  • € 495,- including on-site lodging in shared rooms with shared bathrooms (12 places available);
  • € 595,- including lodging in single rooms in guesthouses nearby, and shared transportation to and from the retreat facility.

Prices include all meals.
Please register before September 2 2025

Location retreat Arising Freely in Awareness

The retreat will take place in Neu Plaue, near the city of Brandenburg, west of Berlin.

It is about 30 minutes by car from the local train station, pick-up at the station will be arranged.

The center is on 20.000 sq. meters (5 acres) of land.

The center has a garden, meadows, fields.

Neu Plaue Retreat Center | Location for Time Space Knowledge Retreats with Jack Petranker from the Center for Creative Inquiry
Neue Plaue Retreat Center

Retreat schedule (CEST) Retreat Arising Freely in Awareness

Tuesday, September 16

16:00 – 18:00 hrsCheck-in and Register
18:00 – 19:00 hrsWelcome dinner
19:30 – 21:00 hrsOpening Session

Wednesday, September 17, until Saturday, September 20

07:00 – 07:45 hrsKum Nye Tibetan Yoga (optional)
08:00 – 09:00 hrsBreakfast and clean-up
10:00 -11:30 hrsMorning session one
11.30 -12.00 hrsTea break
12.00 – 13.00 hrsMorning session two
13.00 – 14.00 hrsLunch and clean-up
14.00 – 16.30 hrs Private practice or free time
16.30 – 17.45 hrsAfternoon session
18.00 – 19.00 hrsDinner and clean-up
19.30 – 21.00 hrsEvening session

Sunday, September 21

07:00 – 07:45 hrsKum Nye Tibetan Yoga (optional)
08.00 – 09.00 hrsBreakfast and clean-up
10.00 – 11.30 hrsClosing session
12.00 – 13.00 hrsClosing lunch