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Yearly Archives: 2022
Nyingma Centrum Nederland streeft naar een veilig en open klimaat en heeft dus ook een vertrouwenspersoon.
Challenge the patterns of mind that keep you imprisoned to the known
Question your limits and experience fully in each moment.
Pas meditatie toe in je dagelijks leven met de wijsheid van liefde en compassie
Door stil te staan bij moeilijkheden kunnen zich nieuwe perspectieven openen
Teaching on the meaning of sangha, a dedication ceremony for Tarthang Tulku followed by a Sangha meal.
How to deal with major transitions in your life based on Buddhist insights.
Join this heartfelt dedication to peace and harmony for all beings.
Een oproep tot diepgaand begrijpen van de werking van de geest.
Learn how to engage the Heart Sutra as a contemplative manual.
In this walk-in class, students classical Tibetan language study the Four Immeasurables together with the khenpos. Everybody is welcome to join.
Kom na je werk opladen zodat je fris de avond in kunt.
In this walk in class, students of the advanced Tibetan language class study texts on Dependent Origination together with the khenpo’s. Everybody is welcome to join.
In this Walk-in class we explore how to transform stress through positive action.
Khenpo Kunga Dakpa will visit the Buddhist Sacred Art studio to see the work of the stupa project in Amsterdam.
In this walk-in class students of Buddhist Study and Practice learn how the Six Realms from the Wheel of Life relate to their own experiences.
In this walk-in class, students classical Tibetan language study the Four Seals of Dharma texts together with the khenpos. Everybody is welcome to join.
Explore the processes that heal emotionality. English spoken.
The fulfilment we are looking for is always at hand